Support Plan
Start (6 am)
- 3 bottles Infinit Mix in Ospry pack, one bag extra mix
- 2 bottles on bike with Mix+MCT
Oasis One (Texaco Hill, 42 miles, ~8:30 am) NO CREW
- Just ride through.
Checkpoint One (Eureka High School, 79 miles, 10:30 am; could be as early as 10:00 or even 9:45 if I am in a fast group)
- Change or bladder with 3 bottles Infinit Mix
- 3 bottles on bike with Mix, only one with MCT
- Remind me to drink bottles first on this leg before the next Oasis
- Support stuff to have
- wheel bag,
- replacement CO2 cartridges,
- spare Wahoo and lights,
- spare shorts and jersey, rain jacket,
- basic tools,
- Rx (Gab, acetaminophen, ibuprofen)
- I will try to text if I need a wheel change or unexpected needs
- Have snack bag for comfort food I might want
Oasis Two (Hamilton, 124 miles, ~12:45 am) NO CREW
- Just ride through, water if needed.
Checkpoint Two (Madison City Park, 167 miles, 3:15 pm)
- Watch tracker and time carefully, my arrival time will be hard to predict
- Add one bottle to Ospry pack, 3 on the bike, all Infinit no MCT
- If I am running very late, I'll take a spare light
- The usual supplies, wheels, tools.